Mr.Sim Bunthoeun , Country Programme Manager, he joins us from a diverse background in community fisheries, fisheries advocacy, community organizing and CSO organizing, knowledge sharing and capacity building in the field of CBNRM and finally in more senior management positions, the most recent of which was as the first Country Director for GERES in Southeast Asia – a French NGO with programs in Cambodia and Myanmar and specializing in renewable energy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable forest management.
He has collectively over 33 years of experiences in community based work, participatory research, networking and advocacy. Aside from GERES, he has worked with the Learning Institute, Oxfam GB, Oxfam America, and the Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT). He is a trained nurse and TB specialist – worked at the Thai-Cambodia border in late 80 and early 90s;later on became a community development and fisheries organizer around the Tonle Sap / Great Lake, Mekong River and Coastal and from then has built a solid progressive work and experience in CBNRM.