Video of 25th Anniversary of NTFP-EP Asia and the 15th Anniversary of NTFP-EP Cambodia.
Since 2008, NTFP-EP Cambodia has supported 28 community-based enterprises including honey, bamboo, Traing (Talipot Palm) processing, fish processing, and ecotourism in Kratie, Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, Koh Koh, Mondulkiri and Siem Reap province.
We have 870 members (111 women) including 58 IP members (5 women) with a total of 4,682 household members (2,221 women) beneficiaries. For 15 years in Cambodia, besides making income for their communities, they also played very important role in protection and conservation of natural resources in their communities. We would like to thank to all donors who always supporting us for this impacts up to date and still hopping to continue working with you all in the future.